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PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia

PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia or Nasional Re is a company engaged in the General
Reinsurance business. The company was founded by PT Askrindo on August 22, 1994 before
Notary Sutjipto, SH, in Jakarta and was later amended through Deed Number 53 dated 15
September 1994 before Substitute Notary Achmad Abid, SH, in Jakarta and Deed Number 15
dated October 7, 1994 before Notary Sutjipto, SH, in Jakarta. The deed was then approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decree No. C2-15,266.HT.01.01 year 94 on October 11, 1994 and announced in the State of the Republic of Indonesia news on December 27, 1994 Number 103 additional 10862.


PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia was founded with permits of the Minister of Finance; principle permit No.S.1369/KMK.017/1994 dated 26 September 1994 and operational permit No. 27/KMK.017/1995 dated January 9, 1995. 


Office Location:

Jl. Cikini Raya No. 99 Jakarta Pusat (10330)
Tlp: (021) 80642500, 3140009, 3149373
Fax: (021) 3143716, 3904944, 31900430


PT Jaminan Pembiayaan Askrindo Syariah

PT Jaminan Pembiayaan Askrindo Syariah was established under the Decision of the Minister of Finance No.KEP-777/KM.10/2012 dated on December 28, 2012 about Permit for Credit Guarantor Business to PT Jaminan Pembiayaan Askrindo Syariah. The creation of PT Askrindo Syariah is a response from PT Askrindo (Persero) to address the development of sharia-based loans.

Office Location:

Gedung Primagraha Persada
Jl. Gedung Kesenian No.3-7, Jakarta 10710
Tlp: (021) 3805858
Fax: -
Email: -


PT Askrindo Mitra Utama

PT Askrindo Mitra Utama (formerly Usayasa Utama) was founded on October 7, 1997 with a Company Establishment Deed made before Notary Sulasmi Mustafa, SH, which was Deed No. 5 of 1997 under the ownership of Yayasan Dana Kesejahteraan Karyawan Askrindo (YDKKA) or Askrindo Employee Welfare Fund Foundation as a majority shareholder and Koperasi Karyawan Askrindo (KKA) or Askrindo Employee Cooperative as a minority shareholder. In early 2014 PT Askrindo Mitra Utama became a subsidiary of PT Askrindo with 95% ownership; the remaining 5% share was owned by Yayasan Dana Kesejahteraan Karyawan Askrindo (YDKKA). This share ownership composition was validated by Notarial Deed No. 28 dated 30 January 2014 by Notary Hadijah, SH. The Articles of Association of PT Askrindo Mitra Utama underwent several changes, with the latest adjustment made before Notary Hadijah, SH, Number 08 dated January 14, 2015 and approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in
its Decree Number AHU-0005729.AH.01.03 dated January 20, 2015. With an additional capital  of Rp3.5 billion in 2015, the company was 99% owned by PT Askrindo (Persero), and in line with the parent company's rebranding program, in 2016 PT Usayasa Utama changed its name to PT Askrindo Mitra Utama. 

Office Location:

Komplek Cempaka Putih Permai Blok A No. 9 Jl. Letjend Suprapto Cempaka Putih Jakarta, 10150
Tlp: (021) 4201082
Fax: -
