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Good Corporate Governance
Good Corporate Governance (GCG)
Implementation Of GCG
As a risk-bearing company that aims to continuously grow and develop, the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) becomes an important element, bearing in mind the risks and challenges it faces are also increasing. The consistent and continuous implementation of GCG in the Company has also been constantly improved in the scope and depth of indicator aspects in order to strengthen the company's competitive position and accommodate aspirations to become a superior company. By maximizing the company's value in managing resources and risks more efficiently and effectively, which in turn will strengthen the trust of shareholders and stakeholders, PT Askrindo can increase its value and long-term business growth.
The consistent and continuous implementation of Good Corporate Governance St PT Askrindo (Persero) is based on the Regulation of Minister of SOEs No. PER-01/MBU/2011 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises and No. PER-09/MBU/2012 concerning amendments to the regulation of the State Minister for State Owned Enterprises No. PER-01/MBU/2011; the Regulation of the Financial Services Authority No.2/POJK.05/2014 concerning Good Corporate Governance for Insurance Companies; and the General Guidelines for Good Corporate Governance in Indonesia by Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG) or National Committee on Governance. The GCG is carried out at PT Askrindo with full commitment at all levels of the organization as outlined in various provisions and requirements related to GCG implementation. This is manifested in:
- The implementation of duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners and Directors
- The completeness and implementation of duties of the committees and work units that carry out the function of internal control
- The implementation of compliance, internal auditor and external auditor functions.
- The implementation of risk management, including internal control systems
- The strategic plans
- The transparency of financial and non-financial conditions
To optimize the implementation of GCG, PT Askrindo has carried out infrastructure strengthening, internal restructuring that leads to best practices, and adjustment and renewal of soft structures, systems and procedures needed to support effective GCG implementation.
From year to year, PT Askrindo continues to carry out and improve its strategies to better the implementation of GCG. On September 6, 2013, the Board of Directors confirmed the establishment of the GCG Implementation Evaluator Team at PT Askrindo to measure the level of compliance in implementing GCG through self-assessment, of which the results are seen in the form of GCG Implementation Quality Classification scores. To obtain more convincing results, an independent consultant was asked to conduct an assessment.
PT Askrindo believes that implementing GCG is a necessity and, if done consistently and continuously, the GCG implementation will be able to increase trust, which in turn will increase shareholder value in the long term without ignoring the interests of other stakeholders.
PT Askrindo has placed GCG as a system in the management of the company. This means that an effective GCG implementation has become a strategic challenge that must always be improved and addressed.
The development of GCG accommodates changes that are dynamic and open to new concepts. The credibility of the company and the trust of the public, shareholders, customers, agents, business partners and other stakeholders are crucial factors for the development, sustainability and enhancement of the company’s value. The company's credibility and the trust of the parties are very closely related to the company's behavior in interacting with the stakeholders.
Awareness to work in good ethics and not ignore the rules will bring success to the company. For this reason, the Shareholders, Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors as company organs are always committed to continue implementing the GCG. This commitment is manifested in every activity, by referring to the applicable rules and ethical values that are stated explicitly as a standard of behavior for all company organs in the formulation of Code of Business Ethics and Work Ethics.
In 2015, PT Askrindo conducted GCG Socialization, signed the Integrity Pact & Statement of Code of Conduct, and made adjustments to the GCG Soft Structure Guidelines by referring to the following Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 2/POJK.05/2014 concerning Good Corporate Governance for the Company Insurance:
- Decree No. 155/KEP/DIR/VII/2015 dated 30 July 2015 concerning the Improvement of PT Askrindo (Persero) 's Code of Conduct
- Decree No. 157/KEP/DIR/VII/2015 dated July 31, 2015 concerning the Improvement of PT Askrindo (Persero) 's Good Corporate Governance Guidelines;
- Decree No. 156/KEP/DIR/VII/2015 dated 30 July 2015 concerning the Improvement of the PT Askrindo (Persero)'s Whistleblowing System Guidelines;
- Decree No. 235/KEP/DIR/XI/2015 dated 16 November 2015 concerning Changes to Guidelines for the Board of Commisioners and Directors of PT Askrindo (Persero)
To guarantee objective score results, the GCG assessment of PT Askrindo (Persero) was carried out by independent consultant PT Sinergi Daya Prima (SDP) using a methodology set by the Ministry of SOEs, namely Decree No. SK16/S.MBU/2012 dated June 6, 2012. The assessment results showed a parameter value of 153, a score of 91.48, and “Very Good” qualification quality.
Reporting Guidelines
The company provides an opportunity for all company personnel to submit reports of alleged violations to the company in person, through letters, complaint boxes or other media provided by the company for the purpose of reporting violations.
The company provides 2 (two) alternative management reports, through the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners, depending on the position of the violator in the company.
Violations allegedly committed by Employees are reported in writing through an official letter directly sent to the Directors or to the company at:
Direksi PT ASKRINDO (Persero)
Email :
u.p Tim Pengelola Pelaporan Pelanggaran
Jalan Angkasa Blok B-9 Kav. No.8
Jakarta Pusat 10610
Penyampaian pelaporan pelanggaran yang diduga dilakukan oleh Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris dan Kepala Unit Kerja dari Organ Pendukung Direksi dilakukan secara tertulis dengan menyampaikan surat resmi yang ditujukan kepada Dewan Komisaris, dengan cara diantar langsung atau melalui pos ke perusahaan dengan alamat:
Directors, Board of Commissioners, Supporting Organs of the Board of Commissioners and Head of Work Units is done the Supporting Organs of the Directors in writing through an official letter directly sent to the Board of Commissioners or to the company at:
Dewan Komisaris PT ASKRINDO (Persero)
u.p Tim Pengelola Pelaporan Pelanggaran
Jalan Angkasa Blok B-9 Kav. No.8
Jakarta Pusat 10610
The provision of this media is intended to convey suspected violations in the form of Corruption, Bribery, Conflict of Interest, Theft, and Fraud, and violations of law and company regulations, but not including issues related to Safety, Occupational Health and the Environment (K3L), Personal Complaints, HR and company facilities.
Reporting/disclosing of violations that have priority to be followed up are cases that occurr in the last 2 (two) years.
Any violation reporting that has data accuracy and sufficient evidence is followed up by the company through the Violation Reporting Management Team; the reporting must include a clear identity of the reporter. The company can provide rewards for reporters if the violations reported actually occur. The company will maintain the confidentiality of the reporter's identity, unless:
- It is required in investigations carried out by the authorities
- It is in line with the interests of change and the objectives of this GCG Guidelines
- It is required by the company to maintain its position before the law
Business Ethic & Work Guidelines
Askrindo is aware of the importance of GCG implementation as a tool to continuously increase the value and long-term business growth not only for shareholders but also for all stakeholders.
For this reason, the Board of Directors of PT ASKRINDO is committed to implementing GCG consistently through the issuance of Directors Decree No. 155/KEP/DIR/VII/2015 concerning the Improvement of PT Askrindo's Code of Conduct.
These guidelines consist of Business Ethics for the Company and Work Ethics for the All Askrindo Levels which are structured to influence, shape, regulate and adjust the behavior in order to achieve outputs that are consistent with Askrindo's culture (Integrity, Porfesionalism, Motivation, Cooperation and Innovation) in achieving the vision and mission of the company.
A. Business Ethics
In carrying out its business activities, the company must pay attention to the ethics, both for its internal and external aspects. Business Ethics are efforts to balance the interests of the company and all stakeholders in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance and corporate values, while maintaining the company’s profitability.
Askrindo's Business Ethics as stated in the Guidelines are as follows:
1. Compliance with laws and regulations
2. Concern for environmental health and safety;
3. Provision of equal opportunities for employees to get works, promotions and termination of employment;
4. Ethical standards in dealing with stakeholders, with the following foundations
- Ethics of the company's relationship with the Government
- Ethics of the company's relationship with the Shareholders
- Ethics of the company's relationship with employees
- Ethics of the company's relationship with partners
- Ethics of the company's relationship with competitors
- Ethics of the company's relationship with the Insured (Policy Holder) Ethics of the company's relationship with the Reinsurance Company
- Ethics of the company's relationship with Agents
- Ethics of the company's relationship with Goods and Services Providers/Suppliers
- Ethics of the company's relationship with creditors
- Ethics of the company's relationship with Social Responsibility
- Ethics of the company's relationship with Mass Media
- Ethics of the company's relationship with Professional Organizations
5. The ethical standards of all levels of management and employees, which regulate ethical behavior in carrying out daily activities on the job, including:
- Behavior as a Superior to Subordinates
- Behavior as a Subordinate to Superiors
- Behavior as a Work Colleague
- Intellectual Property Rights
B. Work Ethics
These work ethics apply to all individuals acting on behalf of Askrindo, including the Board of Commissioners, Directors and Employees, subsidiaries and affiliates under its control, capital owners and all stakeholders, and business partners who conduct business transactions with Askrindo.
Askrindo's Work Ethics as contained in the Guidelines are as follows:
Commitment of company's individuals
Ethics to maintain the good name of the company
Ethics to maintain good relations between employees
Ethics to maintain the confidentiality of company data and information
Ethics to protect and utilize company's property
Ethics to maintain security, safety and health of the work environment
Ethics to record data and do reporting
Ethics to avoid conflicts of interest
Ethics to avoid bribery
Ethics to not use position for personal gain
Ethics related to gifts or rewards and business entertainment
Ethics of using information technology facilities
Ethics to not engage in political activity
Immoral behavior, narcotics and drug abuse, alcohol, gambling and smoking
Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan