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Company Overview
Founded on April 6, 1971 based on the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 1/1971 dated January 11, 1971, PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (Persero) or PT. Askrindo (Persero) has a mission to empower Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to support Indonesia's economic growth. The role of PT Askrindo (Persero) in empowering MSMEs is as a guarantor institution for loans extended by the banks to MSMEs.
As one of the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), PT Askrindo (Persero) is engaged in loss insurance and has always accompanied the success of the economic development of the Nation and the Republic of Indonesia. In accordance with its vision and mission, PT Askrindo (Persero) continues to carry out its role and function as Collateral Substitution Institution which is a guarantor institution that assists MSMEs who are eligible and have sufficient collateral to obtain loans from financial institutions, both bank and non-bank.
On March 31, 2020, based on the decree of the Minister of SOEs, PT Askrindo merged with Insurance and Guarantee BUMN, Indonesia Financial Group (IFG).
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“To become the leading Risk Bearing Company with global services to support national economy”
1. Conducting risk bearing business activities which support national economic development especially the government’s program in developing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives (MSMEC) and other corporate businesses;
2. Conducting business risk bearing activities with global services;
3. Providing benefits to the stakeholders by implementing good company management, Internal Control System (ICS) and Risk Management.