Goods Transportation Banner

Goods Transportation Insurance Product Info
Goods Transportation Insurance
Provides protection on coverable object/interest damages or loss during the transportation from one place to another place through land, sea, or air transportation means.
User (The Insured)
- Export – Import Company
- Logistic Company
- Expedition Company
- Goods owner (company or individual)
Goods Transportation Benefits

Basic Benefits - Total Loss Only
Covering the insurance if the goods suffer from actual total loss or constructive total loss

Basic Benefits - ICC C
Covering the insurance for damage on goods that are caused by:
- Fire/Explosion
- The transporter ship is aground, stranded, or drown.
- The transporter vehicle slips, off rails, or overturned.
- Vessel/carrier crashes with another object (except water)
- Emergency in-port goods unloading
- Intentional throwing goods to the sea to save the ship (Jettison).
- General Average

Basic Benefits - ICC B
Covering the insurance for damage on goods that are caused by:
- Aforementioned in the benefits of ICC C
- Earthquake, volcano eruption, Tsunami, lightning
- Goods swept away by the waves to the sea
- The leak of sea/lake/river water into the cargo/container/place where the goods are stored in
- The total loss per bale due to missing/thrown/fall during loading/unloading

Basic Benefits - ICC A
ICC A, covering the insurance for damage on goods that are caused by all risks of damage/loss on insured goods, unless specified in the exception.

Expansion Benefit
With premium addition, transportation insurance can be added for the following circumstances:
- Riots, Strike
- Evil deeds of an individual/group of people
- War
Goods Transportation Insurance Product Feature
Product Feature
The insurance term is in accordance with the time taken to transport the goods
Insurance coverage
The insurance value amounts to the value of the goods and can be added with the transportation cost, tax, and expected profit
The compensation amounts to the reparation cost of the goods damage/loss, with the insurance value at maximum
Individual Product List
Choose Askrindo Insurance Products According to Your Individual Needs

Personal Accident Insurance
- An accident is an incident or event that contains an element of violence, both physical and chemical in nature, which comes suddenly, including an accident that is caused by poisoning food, steam and gas, falling into water or sinking

Fire insurance
- Provides protection for damage to buildings or property caused by fire, lightning, explosion, airplane crashing and smoke damage.

Construction Insurance
- Provides protection for damage or loss to the project construction work construction or installation installation during the work period.

Liability Insurance
- Providing protection to the insured due to his mistake or negligence which can be legally prosecuted because it results in loss and or damage to third parties.

Goods Transportation Insurance
- Provides protection for damage or loss of objects or interests that can be insured while in transportation from one place to another by land, sea or air transportation

Property All Risk Insurance
- Provides protection for damage that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly due to various risks that cause it such as fires, lightning strikes, explosions, hit by aircraft, smoke (FLEXAS), hurricane angina, hurricanes, floods, landslides, earthquakes, strikes , riots, riots, other people's evil deeds and other risks.

Money Insurance
- Provides protection for loss or damage to money, other objects that are equated with money, and place of deposit of money due to crimes committed by third parties (not employees)

Machinery Breakdown Insurance
- Provides protection for physical damage that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly to the machine in the operational process.

Heavy Equipment Insurance
- Provides protection for heavy equipment damage in a particular project or location, when the heavy equipment is used (at work), is idle or is being demolished (overhauling).

Travel Insurance
- Provides protection against unexpected events while traveling within the country and abroad.
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